Monday, October 1, 2012

My top 10 Movies of 2012 so far

Before I start this list I don't want anyone to comment on how there are no movies that are low budget and that I only put these all in because they're famous and shit. I put the well known movies in because I work in a cinema that obviously shows well known movies so most of the movies I have seen are the latest. Don't worry though, no matter how popular or how fantastic they seem I won't put them in unless I like them. This is my personal list and you can comment your own if you want.

Don't take too much time focusing on the order because I didn't, because it was too hard to pin point, but I think its pretty right.

10. American Pie Reunion My First impression: Holy shit, they've grown up, and why the fuck do they have a kid?
Rating 6.5/10
Yeah, even though its got American Pie attached to its name it didn't really hit it out of the park for me. Not their best, but still a good movie even though I liked it more when they were awkward teenagers.

9. Ice Age 4My First impression: Awe, Peaches grew up, I wanted to more of her when she was a cute little baby.Rating: 7.5/10
Thought it was hilarious! Yet the story line didn't do much for me, but it has got some really cute touching moments in there and I love seeing Diago get a girl finally! :)

8. 21 Jump StreetMy First impression: Yeah, this could make me laugh.Rating: 7.5/10
For some reason I feel I should be rating it more, but for some reason I'm not. Even though this is another very funny flick it just didn't stay with me like the movies above it in the list did. Still a movie anyone with a funny bone should see (thats everyone) and I really liked the story line.

7. The SapphiresMy First impression: Why are they singing country? I was hoping for something with a bit more jazz, nice voices though, hopefully there is a story line to match. (Don't worry, the songs jazzed up and so did the story line)Rating: 7.8/10
Sorry for the strange rating, but it felt right. This movie and its very real intense story line stayed with me for days and really made me think about a lot of issues.

6. The LoraxMy First impression: Since I live in a small town we can only afford to show one movie a week and the Lorax just happened to land on the week me and my boyfriend had our 6 months so this is what we had to see for a date meaning my first impression was "What the fuck am I doing sitting in the middle of a cinema of little kids in stupid looking 3D glasses?"Rating: 8/10
Yeah some people will argue this is much too high, but I saw it with my boyfriend on a very cute night so its probably why I rate this movie so high, but so what, no one can say its not cute!

5. Project XMy First impression: Someone is going to get killed.Rating: 8.5/10
I rated it lower because I'm jealous I can't have a party like that at my house :(

4. TedMy First impression: Naww, what a cute bear! Wait.. Is that a bong?Rating: 9/10
It was rude, it was funny, it appealed to me. I just didn't like that bit at the end where he comes back to life because that chic wished him back, I get how its significant and stuff, but it kind of poked at me for some reason. Oh, and fuck you thunder.

3. The Hunger GamesMy First impression: This is fucked up, so, so fucked up. We're all watching a movie about kids killing each and we don't even care. What has the world come to?Rating: 9/10
Ok I don't like watching kids get brutally murdered, so I took a mark of because I'm mean. Especially that cute little scared boy right before they start! You know, the one that was hiding in the shed thing with the weapons! I hate that part :(

2. The AvengersMy First impression: So awesome. Just so fucking awesome.Rating: 10/10
When I was watching this I sat up closer away from my usual spot and the projection room and behind me there was a group of very young children who didn't say a word until you see the first appearance of Tony Stark in uniform, then at the same time you hear them all shout "Ironman!" I guess kids these days really like Ironman :)

1. The Dark Knight RisesMy First impression: Going to pee my pants. I cannot wait to see this! I was pumped for this movie for a very long time. Even people that aren't very into the whole super hero thing will enjoy this.Rating: 10/fucking 10

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glow in the dark nail polish

So I wanted to know if anyone has ever actually bought really nice glow in the dark nail polish? I know I can hardly wear nail polish because I can't wear it at work and I work all the time but I saw it on facebook and I thought it looked pretty fun :)

While I've brought that up does anyone think that facebook is just full of crap these days? You have dodgy links everywhere going to any site. Memes are taking over the world. I thought the embarrassing night club photos were bad enough, I mean imagine going out weekend just to get hammered and have some fun and you see a half naked photo of you lying in the men urinal with a bottle of tequila? Now though we have naked selfies where its advised that people should post naked photos of their ex's for everyone else's enjoyment, once you post something like that millions of people have the chance to see it in minutes and its out there forever. Also I saw a new page the other day advertising that they sell weapons within Australia, it mainly had tasers and stuff on it for sale but its so messed up. I wouldn't want some of the really fucked up kids in this world to so easily get their hands on a taser or gun. We should have weapons to fight aliens when they come and try to destroy us, not to fight each other.

My boyfriend is going away for a whole week :(
Yes I know, I'm weak but when he's in the same grade as you and in most of your classes and you see him everyday and he lives just around the corner a week, especially during the holidays is a very long time. Going to miss that shit head, my friend is going away for the half the week to and without my boyfriend or best friend around I feel like I'm wasting my holidays.

I have been invited to two parties on grand final day, because of the timing I can make it to both but I beat you any money I'll have to work at the supermarket. Grrrrr. Well I'll have no one to go with anyway, because the only people who will be there that really like me are the host because we take some of the same classes and one other guy from those classes, maybe a few others but I don't think they got invited.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The minds of others.

Have you ever know someone that has committed suicide? Unfortunately I don't live in the strongest place in the world so I know a few, 3 this month if you want a recent count, was this person showing basic signs of it? Did they admit they wanted it? Could you kind of see it coming? Or did it just appear out of the blue to one of the most happiest and most beautiful people you know inside and out? This is what I just went through no less then 30 minutes ago. I don't know how to react.

I didn't know her well, just one of those people that you meet at a party, she was popular, very beautiful and nice and a tone of fun that night. Why would someone with a life like this want it all over? Its hard for me to understand, I have had some really hard times with what goes on inside my head, but I've never tied a knot in the rope and hung from some where high. What must be going through someone's head? What was going through her head?

The ironic thing is that we will never know what goes through their head the seconds before it happens, because they're now gone from this world. This is something that will always be in this world, but if we don't know what was going through there head or what was causing it can we really help it? I know all the lab coats say we can with drugs and therapy, but I only believe you can heal wounds and broken legs with drugs and therapy, not a mental illness even though it helps for a while nothing gets cured. I think for it to be cured it means it never comes back in your natural lifetime which hopefully is to ripe old age, and it can only be cured if at the start of you going on a journey to fix yourself everything goes perfect. You may not know what you need, but you need it happen just right. Even after everything you need has happened and have realised everything and believed everything you need to, then things get better. Start to anyway.

Please, I hope this doesn't offend anyone, these are my personal thoughts, and in the state I am in now I don't even know if I should be posting things on the internet, but I have no self control on normal days, so here it goes.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Those days

Those days where you want to call work and say you've been eaten by a dinosaur.

Also I have to get up early tomorrow morning

Casually throwing a princess tantrum

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bought Battlefield!

So today the other day I bought Battlefield 2, but I haven't had time to play it yet, but while I was in the shower my boyfriend started playing it (he's much better at cod btw) and he was a bit of an epic fail..

I don't blame him though, I've never played battlefield and call of duty and modern warfare are really the only fps shooter that I have actually found half decent and bf looks so different, don't know how I'm going to cope.

I actually am regretting bf2 though, I really should have got bf3, but it really was a spur of the moment type decision so hopefully the online is still good to play, should really go see some online reviews and watch it on youtube for a bit, see if I can get the feel before I play.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School sports

So judging from the title you can see we had school sports today, athletics, eww.
Its the same every year I do athletics, I go there, I suck, maybe get a third placing some where in the 100m B sprint (but remember that's no achievement, because their are only about 10 people in my age group) and then I think to myself "Whoa, Tu, you are fat and unfit and will never win anything. This time next year how about you actually get of your fat ass and actually do something so you can compete in more then the throwing events the next year?" Of course I do not get fit and of course the next year the cycle starts all over again.

I'm actually not fat though, I'm quite skinny, just unfit. I don't understand. Thank god I'm good in the water though otherwise my team would disown me.

But we won today, yay! :)

So I really want to say since next year will be my last athletics ever I should honestly try and get fit for them and win age group champion, especially since I won't have the grade above to contend with next year, but if I say its what I'm going to do and try for two weeks and give up then that's really going to suck balls.

Also you know those pretty girls that will do anything to be skinny and pretty and popular, well I've got no shortage of those sorts of girls in my grade and they love nothing more then looking good, winning, and being good in sports. They have been running and cycling and eating celery sticks for years. I would only have one year, I would never catch up. It would be impossible.

I have soooo much homework and school to catch up on since I haven't been able to go for ages.

Also I brought my xbox into my room and, obviously, hooked it up into the table in my room, so hopefully since I spend all my time in here doing work and sleeping and napping and wasting time on the internet I should find a bit more time to be on it. Hopefully.

My muscles hurt, god I'm weak, I really should take up that goal one day.

Its worse seeing the people that always win and having to sit there and clap like a loser.

I don't even know what to say about today.
This is about all I did


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Meh, no one reads the title

Had all my classes alone today, plus two spares. A very slow day indeed, I don't mind being on my on, but I was having a very blah day and there always seems to be one annoying person you just can't tolerate walk into the room, sit next to me and start talking to me. Can't handle that shit today.

Boyfriend came over today to play cod, god he is cute :)

I've had two nights in a row without intense homework. What is wrong with the world. This never happens to anyone, especially to me with my subjects. I've actually been.. relaxing it feels so strange.

Does anyone know if bio oil is any good? I've decided to start using to hopefully help the mark I have on my legs, scars and random marks everywhere. Its out of control.

Sorry for wasting space on the internet. I'm just bored.